One of the most representative facts about Mexican culture is its cuisine.
We’ve created a story to tell you about our culture in the most delicious way. Through a 5-course dinner complete with the most authentic Mexican food and drink recipes, a lot of humor, a pinch of ancient wisdom and the sweetness of sharing with others.
Why You Will Love Us

Learn ancient culture
Discover our history through gastronomy

Enjoy delicious dishes
Authentic and genuine Mexican food

Have your own Fiesta
Salt and pepper plus Mexican humor are the perfect seasonings

Socialize and make friends
Gather around a big Mexican family table where we all share and make new amigos.

Enjoy our open bar
Start with a cocktail class and connect with ancestral Mexican spirits through tasty liquors and flavors.

Play with Mexican salsa
Learn how to make your own spicy Mexican salsa and learn how to dance it.